
Text Field

The Text Field in java specially instantiated from JTextField by importing
Here now we are gonna make a simple textfield with definite size and it’s position in JFrame.

First of all we should know dat JFrame, JPanel, JTextField are the classes of the java.swing.These all classes are included in Java swing hierarchy.Now to code for textfield we’ll need the Layout and dat will be defined soon by ourself.In Defaut the java uses it’s own Layout for textbox.The main code for defining the position and size is given below:
textbox_name.setBounds(x_axis,y_axis, width, height);

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UML Notation

In this blog now u will learn the process of UML. The first thing that we need to understand to develop the UML and for developing it we should have a good knowledge of the classes and the data dictionary of the project which u r going to develop. Now I am gonna prepare a data dictionary of the PTS(Prescription Tracking System)

The detail data dictionary of the Prescription Tracking System is given below:

Data Dictionary of the PTS (Prescription Tracking System)


Customer: The customer is the person who buys the medicine .

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Interface Class

Actually Interface are just like a class where it consists only constants and they
We can extend interface via interfaces
We can implement the interface via classes.
In interface needn’t use the “public” or “abstract” keywords – all methods
declared by an interface are automatically public and abstract by default.
A simple example of interface implement is given below.
public interface testInterface {
//one of the method without method body
void disp(String text);
For implementing this interface through normal class we follow below step:Read More »Interface Class