
How to bind vertical scroll in multi tableview

Hi javafx folks,

Today I will show how to make your multi table view bind with a single ScrollBar. JavaFX is becoming more and more powerful and nowadays people are using this javafx for comaparing the data between tables and it’s pretty much helpful for scrolling the tables with a single Scrollbar.

To make this things happen ; Firstly I have dived to check if there is any api for making scroll binding in both tables but I didn’t find them. I then went to see if there is any manual scroll of the tableview finally i found them scrollTo(int) which is really helpful for the programmer to scroll the tableview manually.

Lets first see how we are going to make this happen.
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JavaFX Drag and Drop Cell in ListView

Hello guys. Today I’ve got some free time to blog. I have made small chemical solution for making these things happen. I was thinking that most of the game developers really need this type of system even more in the content management system also this kind of stuffs are very useful So I’ve planned to blogged about this (Drag n Drop Cell).

Let’s first look over how the things works for the Draggable of list cell.

Drag and Drop Cell in ListView

The above figure is just the concept which I’ve predicted. You can use your own too But in this post I’m doing all stuffs by this algorithm.By the help of that algorithm I’ve made the things sucess.

First let’s start with the custom cell I’ve given that cell name as ListCellX.
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Save Node or Scene to Image in JavaFX 2.0

Even after waiting so many days, the Javafx bug team has not implemented this feature still in this new Javafx General Availability release . So I’ve managed to make blog about this function for javafx. Many javafx enterprises developer may think that javafx is still not useful because they don’t know how to save their graphics component in image format. Developer don’t have a simple api function like sceneToImage() which was provided in javafx script 1.3. Don’t know why ? We developers are that’s why intelligent to find the alternative way. So I also intended to research on this topic.Then started to warmup my hands on keyboard.

We are using some Java apis and JavaFX apis for making these things work. Ok Let’s get started with the class ‘FXImaging’Read More »Save Node or Scene to Image in JavaFX 2.0

Where is ‘blockinMouse’ Property in Javafx 2.0 !

Hello Javafx geeks,

Today I’m wondering where is the blockinMouse property in Javafx 2.0?  Is it on developing progress ? Or it’s just disappear . According to javafx bug reporting site I’ve found that one guy was playing with blockinMouse using JavaFX 2.0 which as posted on Jan 2011.

In source code I’ve found that guy was doing some stuffs with rectangle Node I’ll show small snippet code :

Read More »Where is ‘blockinMouse’ Property in Javafx 2.0 !

Updated: AutoFill TextBox with FilterMode in Javafx 2.0 (Custom Control)

Updated on Dec 4, 2014: Published in Maven Repository javafx-autocomplete-field
Updated on Aug 5, 2014: Fixed code for JavaFX 8 [Github Repo]

Hello After working some couple of days on Javafx 2.0 Custom Control. I came to the final result of my Custom Control. The Custom Control which I’m going to tell you is about “Auto-Fill TextBox” . This control consists of two major controls they are TextBox and ListView with a Popup where Listview is embedded.

Features of this textbox

  1. AutoFill Textbox on item selection with keys.
  2. Filter Mode

Let’s start these features one by one. To start using this control you can first download the Jar package or see Documentation first.
Read More »Updated: AutoFill TextBox with FilterMode in Javafx 2.0 (Custom Control)