
Frame Height in Applet

Actually the the height we defined for JFrame may differ as what we assume . In windows JFrame uses its height including it’s title bar and the bottom border of window frame.It can be illustrated below :
Let’s we code the JFrame size.

In this code we can see that we defined a JFrame size to 100px width and 100px height. But actually some programmer feels problem on the height of the windows size , even we had declare the size of the JFrame to 100. The JFrame height includes the title bar and it’s bottom liner height.

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Some String's Features

Here you can learn some of the features of the string which help in searching the words as wells.This String is written in Capital S because it’s a separate class can be found in java. The String have many function, it’s an array of the Character .

Some examples of String uses

– Serial numbers which is generated by the help of String .

Let’s start creating a java file named

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UML Notation

In this blog now u will learn the process of UML. The first thing that we need to understand to develop the UML and for developing it we should have a good knowledge of the classes and the data dictionary of the project which u r going to develop. Now I am gonna prepare a data dictionary of the PTS(Prescription Tracking System)

The detail data dictionary of the Prescription Tracking System is given below:

Data Dictionary of the PTS (Prescription Tracking System)


Customer: The customer is the person who buys the medicine .

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Interface Class

Actually Interface are just like a class where it consists only constants and they
We can extend interface via interfaces
We can implement the interface via classes.
In interface needn’t use the “public” or “abstract” keywords – all methods
declared by an interface are automatically public and abstract by default.
A simple example of interface implement is given below.
public interface testInterface {
//one of the method without method body
void disp(String text);
For implementing this interface through normal class we follow below step:Read More »Interface Class