Jar File

How to create JNLP(Web Start Launcher) from NetBeans 6

Ok now i’m here to show some good feature of Java . Java has a seperate extension like as to the C/C++. Many C/C++ uses .exe(executables) for executing the program in a bundle form . In the same way previously Java uses JAR file as executable but later from Java 2 SE 1.5 the new extension (*.jnlp) had took place for executing the java programs.

Here we are going to create a .jnlp file via NetBeans 6 Ok first create one simple Project which display some GUI. Or you can download sample NetBeans Project from here

Let’s take step by step process:

Press Ctrl+1 and you will see Project tab at your left Pane(for more.. )

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Combining JAR files to one JAR from IDE NetBeans

Actually I am gonna demonstrate the simple way to create the jar file which is a combination of multiple jars’ .

  • Firstly We need the NetBeans
  • JDK 1.6

Here we’ll create a sample Project which is included in NetBeans.

I used NetBeans 6.7.1 and now i am starting my demonstration.

(Also you can create a project where there is presence of jar files)

Let’s make a project File>New Project> …. and as your requirement you can make a project but there

is need of some extra jar files . If you are not familiar with adding jar files to Projects then ,

Please refer this:

Now you are able to attach jar files in Project.

It’s time time to have some trick now, just choose Files Tab in Project Window or just press Ctrl+2 as shown in figure


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