Narayan G. Maharjan

Narayan Gopal Maharjan is a 22 years old software developer, living in the Kathmandu, Nepal and currently under-graduating on software engineering.He has keen interest at Java and Javafx programming , he started programming from his high school age and he develops software on Web(JavaEE), Desktop(Java Swing,Java FX), Mobile(Android) devices.

Updated Date and Time in JavaFx (Bind)

How to create JNLP(Web Start Launcher) from NetBeans 6

Ok now i’m here to show some good feature of Java . Java has a seperate extension like as to the C/C++. Many C/C++ uses .exe(executables) for executing the program in a bundle form . In the same way previously Java uses JAR file as executable but later from Java 2 SE 1.5 the new extension (*.jnlp) had took place for executing the java programs.

Here we are going to create a .jnlp file via NetBeans 6 Ok first create one simple Project which display some GUI. Or you can download sample NetBeans Project from here

Let’s take step by step process:

Press Ctrl+1 and you will see Project tab at your left Pane(for more.. )

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