Narayan Gopal Maharjan

Making Simple JTable

The JTable is almost great component of Java Swing which is used to display records of any data.
Specially JTable are used for displaying records which are retrived from the database like MySQL, ORACLE ,Excel and other…

Simply JTable has it’s default model for displaying the records in format.
In this blog we would just demonstrate a simple JTable where all the data records are being assigned by developers.

Ok, here is a detail codes of Making simple JTable:

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Combining JAR files to one JAR from IDE NetBeans

Actually I am gonna demonstrate the simple way to create the jar file which is a combination of multiple jars’ .

  • Firstly We need the NetBeans
  • JDK 1.6

Here we’ll create a sample Project which is included in NetBeans.

I used NetBeans 6.7.1 and now i am starting my demonstration.

(Also you can create a project where there is presence of jar files)

Let’s make a project File>New Project> …. and as your requirement you can make a project but there

is need of some extra jar files . If you are not familiar with adding jar files to Projects then ,

Please refer this:

Now you are able to attach jar files in Project.

It’s time time to have some trick now, just choose Files Tab in Project Window or just press Ctrl+2 as shown in figure


Read More »Combining JAR files to one JAR from IDE NetBeans

GUI (Graphical User Interface)

An applet is the software components or a small application which can run the program via JAVA programming Language.

Applets are on either desktop or on the web pages too.
The applets are mostly used for the GUI end user clients. The Applets are in GUI form.

Basically GUI is being used by the help of the JFrame which is located at the javax.swing

JFrame is the first platform for the deployment of the GUI applications. The Container classes are used to add the components at JFrame.

Some essential classes for the developing GUI app are:

  • JFrame
  • JPanel
  • JLabel
  • JButton
  • JTextField
  • and other classes ..

First of all if we are going to develop a small GUI program which can display the only the text;

[source language=’java’]
//import directives
import javax.swing.*;

public class Text1 extends JFrame{

public Text1() {
JLabel label = new JLabel(“Hello JAVA !!!”);



public static void main (String[] args) {
// invoking constructor
new Text1();


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Trick of Positioning the Containers of JFrame

Many developers want their own Layout Manager with user-defined so JAVA has provided a separate method for the every container of JFrame Component and that method is setBounds(). This method helps the developers to position the container as per their need .

About SetBounds() method:

This method consists four parameter

We can arrange the containers with the help of this method easily.Read More »Trick of Positioning the Containers of JFrame