
Trick of Positioning the Containers of JFrame

Many developers want their own Layout Manager with user-defined so JAVA has provided a separate method for the every container of JFrame Component and that method is setBounds(). This method helps the developers to position the container as per their need .

About SetBounds() method:

This method consists four parameter

We can arrange the containers with the help of this method easily.Read More »Trick of Positioning the Containers of JFrame

UML Notation

In this blog now u will learn the process of UML. The first thing that we need to understand to develop the UML and for developing it we should have a good knowledge of the classes and the data dictionary of the project which u r going to develop. Now I am gonna prepare a data dictionary of the PTS(Prescription Tracking System)

The detail data dictionary of the Prescription Tracking System is given below:

Data Dictionary of the PTS (Prescription Tracking System)


Customer: The customer is the person who buys the medicine .

Read More »UML Notation