
JavaFX Live View

I was playing with some of the screenshot stuffs in the JavaFX 2.2 and came up with idea of showing the image of the Operating system’s window stuffs in JavaFX ImageView and that was really easy to make via Java Robot API and JavaFX’s SwingFXUtils class. Thanks to the JavaFX teams πŸ™‚

Ok here we go now . First we’ll look over how the algorithm goes for this task.

Flow of Screen capture in JavaFX


As you can see in above picture The portion of the Monitor is being screen captured by the Java Robot API . This give the BufferedImage Object of Java and then we convert them in to JavaFX Image using SwingFXUtils class. Now finally it’s Β all in our hand to show that Image in appropriate way.
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Fancy Preloader Part 1

Hi, friends today I’ve got something graphics and animation gift for you.
I know that JavaFX 2 has really Rich Interface in the Application that’s why many enterprises who are using the Swing as their core GUI are intending to divert to JavaFX 2 which is now becoming more stable and clear API. I just love doing javafx cuz it makes me fun and really interesting. The Application we develop in javafx can be huge so we need to load them during startup of the Application. JavaFX has concept of customizing the Preloader which we actually see those progress bar while we are loading any javafx application. Most of the enterprises don’t want to add the default they want something unique and some more eye caching loading so that user won’t feel bore while the application is loading. This is somehow the way of making the user’s eye hypnotized to application πŸ™‚ .

So I’m today talking about same preloader which is actually customized animated graphics. Before starting the preloader we need to know about the flow of the preloader in Application Startup Life Cycle.

Basic Preloader Concept


Preloader Startup

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JavaFX Drag and Drop Cell in ListView

Hello guys. Today I’ve got some free time to blog. I have made small chemical solution for making these things happen. I was thinking that most of the game developers really need this type of system even more in the content management system also this kind of stuffs are very useful So I’ve planned to blogged about this (Drag n Drop Cell).

Let’s first look over how the things works for the Draggable of list cell.

Drag and Drop Cell in ListView

The above figure is just the concept which I’ve predicted. You can use your own too But in this post I’m doing all stuffs by this algorithm.By the help of that algorithm I’ve made the things sucess.

First let’s start with the custom cell I’ve given that cell name as ListCellX.
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